If I Could Live In Any Movie Universe

If I could live in any movie it would be the Spider-Man universe. The reason why i chose spider-man is because since a little boy I’ve always loved spider man every Halloween i would dress up as Spider-Man. I even used to have spider man shoes. Another reason I would choose is because you could always be in the presence of spider man or a villain and you wouldn’t know it. My favorite spider man movie is spider-man 3. I’ve loved spider man since I was 3 years old. Even tho I’m Batman 🤷🏽. I was spider man for 4 years in a row for Halloween from 4-8.


If I could be any age I would be twenty. The reason I would want to be twenty, because you’re not old but you’re at the adult stage but you’re still very young. Another reason I would want to be 20 is because that’s when you’re in your “prime age” and at the age of 20 you’re still technically considered an adult. Since I play soccer I’m always getting injured and at this age you recover fast and healthy so that’s why i would want to be 20 forever. And in this world so many young people have their own business or location or work were they make lots of money so no matter how old i really I’m i will just blend in with today’s economy.

Goggins Effect

If i could be any celebrity in the world i would be David goggins. The reason i would be goggins is because of his mentality and the way he lives his life. Goggins also has a lot of motivational speeches like “every day they’re getting weaker I’m getting stronger” and “who’s gonna cary the boats and the logs”. I really like his mentality and his speeches. Goggins is a retired navy seal he served for 5 years and was named the toughest navy seal. “In 2004, David Goggins ran 135 miles in 24 hours, a feat that earned him a place in the Guinness World Records. To achieve this, Goggins had to overcome the extreme physical and mental fatigue that comes with running such a long distance.”

Three Wishes

If I had three wishes I would wish for an infinite use plane ticket a no limit credit card and a formula 1 drift track with The reason I would want a infinite use ticket is because then I could take a vacation anytime anywhere. Also I could go see family in different states and different countries. The reason I would want a no limit credit card is beaches I could buy anything I wanted and all my taxes would just pay them selves. I would buy BMW’s and some S14’s, I would also buy my dream car a gtr with a quad turbo. I would also buy a house with a 100 car garage with a Mechanic shop and a indoor car wash. And the reason i would want a formula drift track is because I could learn how yo drive all the cars i would own. And when I’m good i would mod the bmw and get a wide body kit and a spoiler.