
I’m stuck on I deserted island I got here when my plane to the Bahamas crashed.

It’s day 3 and my daily routine is I wake up go to the fresh water river I found on day 1 and take a dip to get the extra sand off me. Once I’m all dried up I go find 3 to 4 coconuts and open them for their milk and the meat inside. After that it’s usually around noon time and I then go play in the crystal blue waters. It’s cold on one side of the island and hot on the other side I don’t know why this is but after that I take a nap by the time I’m up I’m hungry so I go and find some more coconuts to eat. By this time it’s night time again so I go back to sleep. Tomorrow will be day 4.

Currently it’s day 16 and I’m still on the same routine, but I made a couple adjustments to make things faster. First of all instead of collecting coconuts by the day I’ve made a big stash I have a round 70 coconuts and I have to really big rocks to help me open it. And also I made a small fort under a palm tree with palm leaves. I made this hut around day 5. I’ve also made a shower area. I’m using leaves from the trees and put holes in them and I put water on there and it goes in slowly. It’s basically like a celling shower head.

Snazzy title

Last weekend was our final game of the season to determine if we went to playoffs or not and we had a lot of challenges to overcome. Our fist challenge was the fact that we we’re playing in heavy rain. During warm up while we were stretching i pulled my muscle but i continued to play through it. Once kick off happened i was the first person to have a shot at goal. As i started dribbling i saw a gap in the opponents defense. As they all started shifting over to cover the gap I looked across the field i saw my right winger running up and i as I crossed the ball to him time felt way slower as I started running up for the cross i felt this rush of adrenaline it’s was so intense like my eyes could leave of the ball they were tracking it and then the next second ball was at my feet I dribbled past the second to last defender around the edge of the 18 yard box and then his back up man came up to Me I nut meged him and had a shot. It when completely silent BOOOM the goal keeper saves it from going in. I was so mad at myself but I carried on nothing happend until the last quarter. There was 15 minutes left in the game and I was sitting and my goalkeeper he drop kicked it, it seemed like slow motion at the time and the striker receives it and he gos pass on guy then anotherand another it seemed like he dribbled the whole team it went silent the only thing you hear is the ball hitting thr back of the net. “WE WON”is what I hear from my center back and I say no don’t say that just yet. There was still around 5 minutes left but nothing really happened but we did won.

Dumbledore Quote

My favorite quote from the bunch is “Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.” To me this means that no matter how hard things get try and find something positive or look at it from a different perspective. I think that having 2 perspectives is always better than one.